Friday 17 June 2016

Ageless Bond

As I write this, I feel an incredible sense of peace and happiness.  Yeah, I'm in one of my moments of enlightenment, as I'd like to call it ...uhh..Im just being dramatic :)   But its a feeling I cant I feel connected  to the Universe..I suddenly feel full of purpose and usually say things like "Oh ! I'm so grateful..feel so happy/blessed " etc..This inevitably causes anyone whos near me to go " Why? You okay? What are you so happy about ?' And I say " Everything!!.." and  give some weird explanation..Then I'm left alone for a This just happened now, .. my husband was that unfortunate soul.

Anyway..what made me feel like this now , was this one poem .   I had posted it earlier on this blog, Unending Love , by Ravindranath Tagore.  Just a while back, I was googling old videos of Krishna, that I used to watch before..long back , when my thoughts were almost always consumed by him. seems like a distant memory, almost like from another life. 

Now, my life and priorities are so very different from what they were a few years back.  I'm married now, I'm almost sure I have grown up a little..actually a lot. I think of things in a different way now  ..have different life goals etc. Krishna is just a fleeting thought, a sweet memory from my girlhood..

But, it doesnt take much for me to go back . The things that remind me of him , just makes me realise how much I crave that ecstatic happiness that Id felt a lot of times before. .
How transient all my worries, concerns are..It makes me see the bigger picture. Every. Single. Time.

And most importantly it makes me realise that I have only this one life to live!.. And so many things I want to live in a way that would make my life on Earth fulfilling. ..( And my version of ''fulfilling' is pretty high end..and not to say, idealistic to an extent) 
And for that Krishna gently reminds me , that I need to be in the present. To believe that all that had happened, and is happening is somehow unfolding the future that I want for myself..

So, I came across this song profound,  it brought me to tears.  Just listen to this woman sing it. We can interpret it in many ways, but I always relate it to this song was about our relationship..and the many loves (or  many different relationships ) we go through in  our many lifetimes on Earth.   And how every relationship is just a reflection of our original love/relationship with Krishna..